
To include your notice in the newsletter please send it to before Wednesday 12pm.

BNT Newsletter – 1st Sunday in Advent 29/11/2024

Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


1st Sunday in Advent – ST MARYS CHURCH

Saturday 30th November, 7.30pm – John Morgan 1st Anniversary

Sunday 1st December, 10.30am – People of the Parish

Monday 2nd December, 9.30am

Tuesday 3rd December, 7.30pm – Davey Nolan Anniversary

Thursday 5th December, 9.30am – Special Intention

Friday 6th December, 7.30pm – Micheal Brennan, Mount Mary

Saturday 7th December, 12pm – John Anthony (Ted) Doyle, Months Mind

Saturday 7th December, 7.30pm – Mickey Lohan Anniversary

Sunday 8th December, 10.30am – People of the Parish

Monday 9th December, 10.30am – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors –  Nov 30th & Dec 1st Finbar Holmes & Frank Muldoon

                                                                        Dec 7th & Dec 8th Michael Mannion & Pat McDonagh


Sunday 1st December, 9.30am

Sunday 8th December, 9.30am

Monday 9th December, 9.30am – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Sunday 1st December, 11.30am – First Sunday of Advent

Wednesday 4th December, 7pm

Friday 6th December, 7pm – Kathleen Kilcommins, Ballinacor – Month’s Mind

Sunday, 8th December, 11.30am – Henry Cunningham, Ardeevan

Monday 9th December, 7pm – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Please remember in your prayer Andy Carty brother of Michael Carty and Marie Hannon, Ballintubber wife of Michael Hannon, St. Brendans, may they rest in peace.

Every first Friday of the month Fr. Douglas will be anointing people during the evening mass. Come and be anointed.

Sick and Housebound – Fr. Douglas to visit on Friday 6th December.  If you or a family member would like Fr. Douglas to visit, please call on 09-6624637.

  • St Luke Gospel initiative in Ballygar at the courthouse, Wednesdays from 8 to 9 pm, on the 4th & 11th December.  It will be a more prayer centred approach.  Please all are invited.
  • All-Night Vigil at Knock Shrine – Saturday/Sunday, December 7th & 8th Knock Shrine invite you to a special night of prayer. The evening will commence on Saturday evening, December 7th, with confessions available in the Chapel of Reconciliation from 10pm to midnight. The vigil will begin with rosary at midnight in Knock Basilica. The programme will include rosary, holy hour, reflections, stations of the cross, and time for private prayer. The vigil will conclude with Mass at 4am. 
  • St Vincent de Paul Local Appeal -The local branch of St Vincent de Paul is based in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew, and serves the surrounding parishes including the parish of Ballygar/Newbridge/Toghergar. We depend on donations to enable us to help individuals and families who may be finding life difficult at present. We wish to acknowledge the generosity of the people of this parish over the last ten years and hope you will continue to support the work we do by contributing to our Christmas Appeal.  We will not be having a church-gate collection this year but instead we have Postage-free Envelopes left at the church porch where you can put your donation. You can free-post them to our office in Mountbellew or leave them in the Offertory Collection baskets.   If you wish to donate online, a poster in the porch will give you information on how to do that. It’s important to emphasise that all donations given locally are used to help people in our local parishes.  Our local helpline number is 0851846866. All applications for help are dealt with in the strictest confidence.  Thank you again for supporting the work of St Vincent de Paul.
  • The 5 First Saturdays Devotion for World Peace will commence on Saturday 7th December in St. Mary’s Church beginning at 6.45pm with Rosary and mediation, Vigil Mass 7.30pm, Holy Communion, Confession within 21days.
  • Ballygar Festive Lights – Its that time of year again! Please join us on Saturday the 7th of December, after 7.30pm mass at the Christmas tree for some Christmas Carols and festive treats (Weather Permitting).  Also note our annual Church Gate Collection will be held on Saturday 7th December and Sunday 8th December.  Please support.
  • Ballygar National School are having their Christmas Concert on Thursday 12th December at 6.30pm in the Mattie McDonagh Centre. All are welcome. Entry fee €5. Ballygar NS Parents Association will also be having their Christmas Fundraiser draw on the same night. Tickets for this draw are for sale in all the local businesses and also from the school. All support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  • Happy Feet Clinic Ballygar Pharmacy Thursday 5th December call Deirdre on 086 361 2578 to make an appointment
  • Newbridge Ladies Club Christmas Party night in Newbridge Social Centre on Thursday December 5th. at 8 pm. Admission €5 includes door prize. Lots of exhibits – get ready for Christmas. Refreshment served. Your support is greatly appreciated.
  • Newbridge Christmas Artisan Fair we are excited to announce that we will be running another artisan fair for Christmas.  It will take place on Sunday 1st December, from 10am-5pm, in Newbridge Community Hall.
  • Newbridge Action Committee will be selling yearly 50/50 envelopes on Sunday Dec 1st in the church car park after mass.  Please come and support. An option for a Christmas present €100 for one year, €50 for 6 month.
  • Active Retirement Meeting- The monthly meeting of Mountbellew and District Active Retirement will be held in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew on Monday 2nd December at 7pm (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME).  New members welcome.
  • CLONBERNE CHRISTMAS FAIR – Clonberne Christmas Fair takes place on Fri. Dec. 6th from 6pm to 9pm. A wide variety of seasonal goods on offer.  Enquiries to 083 0948389.
  • Arrangements for Cancer Walk – The Annual East Galway GAA Clubs” Cancer Care West” Walk will be held on Saturday December 7th at 10am from the Shop Ahascragh to the Ballinasloe GAA Centre. All walkers are welcome. Walkers can also do the walk in their own time and get sponsorship.  If you would like to leave your car in Ballinasloe prior to the walk, then report to Ahascragh at 9.20am and arrange to be ferried back out for the walk. Donations welcome on or to any of the organisers. 
  • RHS Home Care are recruiting for care staff to provide Home Care in clients house in your area If you are interested or require more details, please email or phone our Head office on 090 6625988.
  • Stall in the Hall Caltra will be on in Caltra community centre on Sunday, December 8th, from 11am to 2pm.  Tables are €20 and are provided.  There will be a Santa’s Grotto also.  Contact me Anne on 087 6387993 to reserve a table.
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Mary Kilcommins, Windfield on winning €796.  We the Newbridge Action Committee will be promoting white yearly 50/50 envelopes on Sunday Dec, 1st after mass in the chrurch car park, why not make this an ideal Christmas present for someone. Thank you for your continued support every week.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Andrea Delaney, Killyan, who won €567. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in The Thatch, Saturday 30th November to include a Christmas Hamper.


Ballygar Collection €765.00, Toghergar Collection €390.00, Newbridge Collection €662.98 

BNT Newsletter – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time 22/11/2024

Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


34th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 23rd November, 7.30pm – Bridie & Shane O’Leary and deceased members of the O’Leary and Nolan Families

Sunday 24th November, 10.30am – Nellie & Peter Raftery, deceased Rafterty and Fahy families

Monday 25th November, 9.30am

Tuesday 26th November, 7.30pm – Deceased members of the Legion of Mary

Thursday 28th November, 9.30am – Holy Souls

Friday 29th November, 7.30pm – Paddy, Thomas & Mary Ellen Finneran and all the deceased family Kilmore, Annie, Johnny & Katie and all the deceased Keane family Mount Mary.  All the souls in purgatory.

Saturday 30th November, 7.30pm – John Morgan 1st Anniversary

Sunday 1st December, 10.30am – People of the Parish

St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors –  Nov 23rd & 24th Michael Kelly & Neil Geraghty

                                                                        Nov 30th & Dec 1st Finbar Holmes & Frank Muldoon


Sunday 24th November, 9.30am – Nora & Paddy Hearty, Currabane

Saturday 30the November, 11am – Michael Heavey 1st Anniversary

Sunday 1st December, 9.30am


Sunday 24th November, 11.30am – Feast of Christ the King – Tim Kilcommins, Windeld and all the deceased of the Kilcommins and Haverty families; Michael and Lizzie Crehan and their daughter, Mary, Lissavruggy

Wednesday, 27th November, 7 p.m.

Friday 29th November, 7pm

Sunday 1st December, 11.30am – First Sunday of Advent

Please remember in your prayers Mary McDermott, Lissavruggy, Newbridge, may she rest in peace.

Pre-Election Message from Bishop Kevin – In advance of the General Election, Bishop Kevin has issued a pre-election message entitled ‘Serving the Common Good – Respecting the Person’. In this message, he offers thoughts on some of the questions that he believes must be of particular importance to Catholics as voters. His message concludes: “My prayer for all of the candidates is for a safe and respectful election campaign, resulting in a good and stable government, that serves the common good. There will be winners and losers in the polls, but anyone who seeks to serve deserves our appreciation.” Bishop Kevin’s pre-election message can be read online at

  • St Luke Gospel initiative in Ballygar at the courthouse, Wednesdays from 8 to 9 pm, on the 27th November and the 4th & 11th December.  It will be a more prayer centred approach.  Please all are invited.
  • All-Night Vigil at Knock Shrine – Saturday/Sunday, December 7th and 8th Knock Shrine invite you to a special night of prayer. The evening will commence on Saturday evening, December 7th, with confessions available in the Chapel of Reconciliation from 10pm to midnight. The vigil will begin with rosary at midnight in Knock Basilica. The programme will include rosary, holy hour, reflections, stations of the cross, and time for private prayer. The vigil will conclude with Mass at 4am. 
  • Newbridge Ladies Club Christmas Party night in Newbridge Social Centre on Thursday December 5th. at 8 pm. Admission €5 includes door prize. Lots of exhibits – get ready for Christmas. Refreshment served. Your support is greatly appreciated.
  • Newbridge Christmas Artisan Fair we are excited to announce that we will be running another artisan fair for Christmas.  It will take place on Sunday 1st December, from 10am-5pm, in Newbridge Community Hall.
  • Mountbellew Mart is hosting a Mental Health Awareness evening on Thursday the 28th of November at 8pm in the Sheep Shearing Hall on the Mart Grounds.  A number of guest speakers experienced in the field, will attend.  ALL ARE WELCOME.
  • Ballygar Ladies Club meeting Thursday 28th November in the Courthouse at 8pm. A Christmas themed night is organised. Membership €10 will be taken up at this meeting.  Admission €5 to include raffle. 
  • The Climate Action Unit, Galway County Council in conjunction with Ballygar Tidy Towns is organising a talk about Housing grants for older people and Home energy upgrade grants for individuals and communities.  Date; Tuesday, November 26th at 10.30am, Venue; Old Courthouse, Ballygar.  Guest speakers: John Moore, The Housing section, Galway County Council, Housing grants for Older People and People with a Disability such as:

HAOP = Housing Aid for Older People, – for essential repairs to the home

HAG = Housing Adaptation Grant for people with disabilities

MAG = Mobility Aid Grant – for people with disabilities requiring smaller jobs.

Dr Orla Nic Suibhne, SEAI Sustainable Community Mentor – Sustainable Energy Communities Programme, Home Energy upgrades and grants available to communities and individuals.

For more information, please contact Denise Feeney, Community Climate Action Officer, Galway County Council on 087 4762558

  • Active Retirement Meeting- The monthly meeting of Mountbellew and District Active Retirement will be held in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew on Monday 2nd December at 7pm (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME).  New members welcome.
  • Stall in the Hall Caltra will be on in Caltra community centre on Sunday, December 8th, from 11am to 2pm.  Tables are €20 and are provided.  There will be a Santa’s Grotto also.  Contact me Anne on 087 6387993 to reserve a table.
  • Little Kickers NOW in Co Galway, Football fun for children aged 18months to 8 years. In Moylough Community Centre on every Sunday, 9.30-10.10am-1½-2½ years, 10.15-11am- 2½-3½ years, 11.05-11.50am-3½-5 years.  Register your child today,     or email
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 Sam Mullen, c/o of John Joe Smith on winning €787 in this week’s 50/50.  Thank you to everyone for your continued support every week.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Rita Doyle, Cloonlyon who won €671 in this week’s Towns lotto.  Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Morans, Saturday 23rd November.


Ballygar Collection €795.00

Toghergar Collection €400.00

Newbridge Collection €1,240.00

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 15/11/2024

Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 16th November, 7.30pm – Kathleen Farrell and deceased family members of the Lennon and Farrell Families.

Sunday 17th November, 10.30am – Carmel O’Rourke Anniversary

Monday 18th November 9.30am –Geraghty Family, Kilmore

Tuesday 19th November, 7.30pm – Holy Souls

Thursday 21st November, 9.30am

Friday 22nd November, 7.30pm – Margaret & Michael Hannon, Cloonlyon

Saturday 23rd November, 7.30pm – Bridie & Shane O’Leary and deceased members of the O’Leary and Nolan Families

Sunday 24th November, 10.30am – Nellie & Peter Raftery, deceased Rafterty and Fahy families

St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors –  Nov 16th & 17th Mattie Kinsley & John Carty

                                                                        Nov 23rd & 24th Michael Kelly & Neil Geraghty


Sunday 17th November, 9.30am – The deceased of the Moore Family, and Paddy Burke.

Sunday 24th November, 9.30am – Nora & Paddy Hearty, Currabane


Sunday 17th November, 11.30am – All our Departed Loved Ones, especially those called home to God in the past year

Wednesday 20th November, 7pm

Friday 22nd November, 7pm – Sr. Marcellina and Jackie Muldoon, Mary Ellen and John Muldoon, Cloonkeen

Sunday 24th November, 11.30am – Tim Kilcommins, Windfield; Michael and Lizzie Crehan and their daughter, Mary, Lissavruggy

Please remember in your prayers Mary Ganley nee Smith, Ballyhaunis & Kilmore, Sean Loftus Killeroran & Ballinagard Road, Roscommon and Anna Healy nee Crawley Muckanagh, Ballygar, may they rest in peace.

Reminder to please return the Mission Collection envelopes, collection was held on the 20th October.  Thank you to all those who have contributed.

  • St Luke Gospel initiative in Ballygar at the courthouse, Wednesdays from 8 to 9 pm, on the 20th & 27th November and the 4th & 11th December.  It will be a more prayer centred approach.  Please all are invited.
  • Roscommon University Hospital – A Memorial Mass for deceased patients will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon on Thursday, 21st November, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., which will remember those who died in the hospital and those who were brought to the hospital after death in the community in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.  We were unable to commemorate these people due to Covid 19 Pandemic.  Patients who have died since 2022 will be commemorated at a later date.  Family members, relatives, friends, present and past staff are invited.  Light refreshments will be served directly afterwards in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon.  All are welcome to join us.
  • Coláiste Mhuire, Ballygar – is delighted to invite prospective students and their parents to our Open Night on Thursday, 21st November, at 7:00 pm.  Come along to explore our facilities, meet our dedicated staff, and learn more about the wide range of educational opportunities we offer.  We look forward to welcoming you to an evening full of information and insight into life at Coláiste Mhuire. 
  • Next Feet Clinic in Ballygar Pharmacy is 21st NOVEMBER CALL DEIRDRE 086 361 2578 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. 
  • Mountbellew Mart is hosting a Mental Health Awareness evening on Friday the 28th of November at 8pm in the Sheep Shearing Hall on the Mart Grounds.  A number of guest speakers experienced in the field, will attend.  All are welcome.
  • Save the Date! – Mountbellew Christmas Market will be on again this year on Sunday 17th November at the Ag College Gym.
  • Johnston’s Pharmacy – Christmas Shoebox Appeal: Please return any shoe boxes to the pharmacy this week for collection so they can reach their destination in time for Christmas! 
  • “O Holy Night” A concert performed by The Three Tenors Ireland (Paul Feery, Conor Gibbons, Philip Klubicka) will take place on Sun 15th Dec at 7:30pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Caltra.  Tickets €30, Martina Keane 0874142119, Mary T McLoughlin 0863152392, Joe and Mary Madden Treacy 0876163679.
  • “Together we Can – is a Charity Concert for Cambodia and is being held on Saturday 30th November at 8 pm in Ballinasloe Town Hall.   Tickets can be obtained from Salmons, Ballinasloe or online at   Appearing are Shaskeen, Eleanor Shanley and Le Cheile”
  • MOUNTBELLEW VINTAGE CLUB AGM will take place on 22nd November at 9pm in the Mountbellew Mart Canteen.  Annual Membership is €20.  New Members are always welcome.  
  • Stall in the Hall Caltra will be on in Caltra community centre on Sunday, December 8th, from 11am to 2pm.  Tables are €20 and are provided.  There will be a Santa’s Grotto also.  Contact me Anne on 087 6387993 to reserve a table.
  • Little Kickers NOW in Co Galway, Football fun for children aged 18months to 8 years. In Moylough Community Centre on every Sunday, 9.30-10.10am-1½-2½ years, 10.15-11am- 2½-3½ years, 11.05-11.50am-3½-5 years.  Register your child today,     or email
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 Granny Noone’s gang Rookhill Lowville/Ahascragh who won €835.  Next week’s draw The Bridge bar Mountbellew.  Thanks to everyone for their continued support every week.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Congratulations to Bernadette Giblin, Ballinacor who won €614 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Hughes, Saturday 16th November.


Ballygar Collection €1,280.00

Toghergar Collection €425.00

Newbridge Collection €1,185.66

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08/11/2024

The Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637, email:

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 9th November, 7.30pm – Francie Flynn Anniversary and deceased family members

Sunday 10th November, 10.30am – Joan Flanagan Anniversary

Monday 11th November, 9.30am

Tuesday 12th November, 7.30pm

Thursday 14th November, 9.30am – Holy Souls

Friday 15th November, 7.30pm – Jerry Duffy Anniversary

Saturday 16th November, 7.30pm – Kathleen Farrell and deceased family members of the Lennon and Farrell Families.

Sunday 17th November, 10.30am – Carmel O’Rourke Anniversary

St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors –  Nov 9th & 10th Brain Finneran & Adrian Keegan

                                                                        Nov 16th & 17th Mattie Kinsley & John Carty


Sunday 10th November, 9.30am – Holy Souls

Sunday 17th November, 9.30am – The deceased of the Moore Family, and Paddy Burke.


Sunday 10th November, 11.30am – Jane and Larry Kelly, Mike Kelly and Lorcan Kelly;

Annie and Jimmy Lohan, Mary Teresa Lohan and Joe Hart, Cloonkeen.

Wednesday 13th November, 7pm

Friday 15th November, 7pm – John Shaughnessy, Newbridge and Boston

Sunday 17th November, 11.30am – All our Departed Loved Ones, especially those called home to God in the past year.

Please remember in your prayers Tommy Hegarty, Rushestown, Kathleen Keegan – Tighe (née Fleming) mother of Adrian Keegan and Kathleen Kilcommins, Ballinacor, Newbridge who died during the week. May they rest in peace.

  • St Luke Gospel initiative in Ballygar at the courthouse, Wednesdays from 8 to 9 pm, on the  13th, 20th & 27th November and the 4th & 11th December.  It will be a more prayer centred approach.  Please all are invited.
  • The Poor Clares Galway are hosting an Online Questions and Answers event for women between the ages of 18 and 35 who would like to learn more about the Poor Clare way of life and spirituality.  The online meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 13th from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. To register contact:
  • Ballygar Remembrance Mass and Cemetery Service – On Sunday, November 10th at 10:30am, there will be a celebration of Mass to remember all our loved ones, especially those who have passed away in the last year.  Straight after this Mass, in Ballygar cemetery, there will be a short remembrance service and a blessing of the graves.  In preparation for this, there will be two clean-ups in Ballygar cemetery, one on Saturday, November 2nd and the second on Saturday November 9th.  Both clean-ups will begin at 11:00am.  Please bring any tools that might be of help.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.  
  • Coláiste Mhuire, Ballygar proudly presents “Abba Mia” from 14th – 16th Nov., in the Mattie McDonagh Community Centre at 8.00 p.m. Tickets are available on Eventbrite and in the school office, (090) 6624740. The cost is €15 for adults and €10 for concessions.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.
  • Progressive 25 Card game continues every Monday night in Shiven Rovers Club house. Next Monday night Nov. 11th. our annual Mass for deceased members of the card game will be celebrated in the Club House at 8pm. All are welcome to attend. 
  • DUNMORE BINGO – Dunmore Community Council bingo will take place this Sunday 10th November at 3pm in the Town Hall, Dunmore. Lots of prizes on the day including a €500 jackpot. Draw for free double book, single book, lucky line sheet & jackpot sheet. Complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at the interval. All are welcome. 
  • Annual General Meeting 2024, Ballygar Carnival – The AGM of Ballygar Carnival will take place on Saturday, November 9th at 8:15pm in the Mattie McDonagh Centre, Ballygar. All are welcome to attend. Your support would be greatly appreciated as we begin preparations for the 81st carnival.
  • Ballygar Community Playschool – we would like to thank everyone who supported our recent fundraising disco.  To all you gave a donation, spot prizes, bought raffle tickets and attended the disco.  We are very appreciative of your continuing support and more importantly thanks to all the children who dressed up for the night.
  • Save the Date! – Mountbellew Christmas Market will be on again this year on Sunday 17th November at the Ag College Gym.
  • Johnston’s Pharmacy – Christmas Shoebox Appeal: Please return any shoe boxes to the pharmacy this week for collection so they can reach their destination in time for Christmas! 
  • North Galway Vintage & Heritage Club – Mega Auto jumble, Sunday 10th November starting at 9am.  In Glenamaddy Equestrian Centre, (F45VP66).  Up to 50 Autojumble stands in attendance. Indoor and outdoor spaces, catering provided on the day. Danny 087 2510622 or 086 8510445. Paul 086 4088466.
  • “O Holy Night” A concert performed by The Three Tenors Ireland (Paul Feery, Conor Gibbons, Philip Klubicka) will take place on Sun 15th Dec at 7:30pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Caltra.  Tickets €30, Martina Keane 0874142119, Mary T McLoughlin 0863152392, Joe and Mary Madden Treacy 0876163679.
  • MOUNTBELLEW VINTAGE CLUB AGM will take place on 22nd November at 9pm in the Mountbellew Mart Canteen.  Annual Membership is €20.  New Members are always welcome.  
  • Stall in the Hall Caltra will be on in Caltra community centre on Sunday, December 8th, from 11am to 2pm.  Tables are €20 and are provided.  There will be a Santa’s Grotto also.  Contact me Anne on 087 6387993 to reserve a table.
  • Tús Opportunities – Galway Rural Development has a number of part-time administration and other vacancies now available. Supported by the Tús programme: if you are a year or more on a Jobseeker’s payment and would like to contribute to a charity or community group in your locality, then this is your chance. Placements are for 12-18 months with pay and PRSI contributions recorded. Completion of the Tús programme provides future employers with evidence of work experience, training, a reference, and a CV. For more information, contact GRD’s Tús team at 087 9335477 or email
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 Mike & Margaret Leahy on winning €817.  Thank you for your continued support.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Congratulations to Marcellina, Aoife & Niamh,c/o Eileen Hynes who won €616 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in The Thatch Saturday 9th November.


Ballygar Collection €945.00, November 1s €330.00

Toghergar Collection €300.00, 1st November, €175.00

Newbridge Collection €1,333.00 1st & 3rd November

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mission Sunday 17/10/2024

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mission Sunday


Saturday 19th October, 7.30pm – Liam Mulrooney 1st Anniversary

Sunday 20th October, 10.30am – Angela Keane and son Barry, Pound Road.

Monday 21st October, 9.30am

Tuesday 22nd October, 7.30pm

Thursday 24th October, 9.30am

Friday 25th October, 7.30pm

Saturday 26th October, 7.30pm – Kathleen Cleary

Sunday 27th October, 10.30am – People of the Parish


Sunday 20th October, 9.30am – Tommy Lee and deceased family members of the Lee and Cormican Families.

Sunday 27th October, 9.30am – Vincent Murray and deceased family members.


Sunday 20th October, 11.30am – Mary and Paddy Hynes, Tonacor; Anne Kelly, Gurteen, and her sister-in-law, Frances Kelly; Teresa and Jimmy Lyons, Curraghduff; Tom and Mary Hannigan, Ballygar: Deceased Lally Family Boggauns.

Saturday 26th October, 11am. – Barbara McLaughlin, Ballinacor – Month’s Mind

Sunday 27th October, 11.30am – Mike Carty, Toomard and Dublin – First anniversary;

Also remembering: Mollie and Larry Hannon, Ballinacor

Fr. Pat Palmer C.S.S.p. Mission’s, will speak at the masses on the weekend of the 26th and 27th October, 2024.

November envelopes and Offertory boxes are ready for collection, can Collectors please collect and distribute.

  • Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette  St Peter and Paul’s Church, Athlone 2nd – 4th November, Church of the Risen Christ, Kiltoom 4th and 5th November. The schedule for Sligo Cathedral and Athlone is now available at,
  • Mission Month World Mission Sunday (20th October) is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. October and World Mission Sunday is a time for the faithful of the world to show their appreciation towards the work of overseas missionaries. Please donate €4.00 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively donate at or call Mission Ireland on 01 497 2035. To learn more go to
  • Vocations Open DayThe National Vocations Office will be holding three open days for men over the age of 18 who wish to explore Diocesan Priesthood in Dublin (UCD), Galway (University of Galway) and Thurles (Pallottine College) during October and November. Information and registration forms can be found on the
  • Cancer Care West Walk 2024 – the Annual East Galway G.A.A Clubs” Cancer Care West” Walk will be held on Saturday December 7th at 10 am.  Further details or sponsorship cards can be obtained from the following Mattie Kilroy (087-633-5479)  – or Larry Lohan (087-766-1059)   Gerry Hannon (087-193-7919).
  • Annual General Meeting 2024, Ballygar Carnival – The AGM of Ballygar Carnival will take place on Saturday, November 9th at 8:15pm in the Mattie McDonagh Centre, Ballygar. All are welcome to attend. Your support would be greatly appreciated as we begin preparations for the 81st carnival.
  • Ballygar Community Playschool – hold their annual Halloween Disco on Friday the 25th October from 6pm to 8m in Fallons, Ballygar.  Cost per child is €5 and everyone is welcome.
  • Save the Date! – Mountbellew Christmas Market will be on again this year on Sunday 17th November at the Ag College Gym.
  • Next Foot Clinic in Ballygar Pharmacy is Thursday 24th October.  Call Deirdre 086 361 2578 to make an appointment.
  • Ballygar Ladies Group – The October meeting of Ballygar Ladies Group will be held on Thursday 24th October at 8pm in the Courthouse. All ladies welcome. Admission €3.
  • Climate Action Workshop – Jacinta Barrins will host 6 free workshops on steps we can take to reduce Carbon Footprint.  These workshops take place over 6 weeks commencing 5th November to 3rd December with final one on 7th January.  If you are interested in attending please contact Nuala 086 3636007 or email for more details.
  • Johnstons Pharmacy – Christmas Shoebox Appeal – Once again, we are delighted to be a drop off point for the shoebox appeal – leaflets can be collected instore and completed boxes can be dropped into the pharmacy by 10th November. Make a child smile this Christmas by gifting them a shoebox packed full of toys, books, hats & scarves, all the things we take for granted in our lives. Your shoebox will be given to children affected by poverty in countries in Africa and Eastern Europe.
  • Ballygar Truckin – Following on from the huge support we received for last year’s event, raising over €40,000 for BNT Le Chéile and Roscommon Hospice we are delighted that this year’s fun filled event is back over the October Bank Holiday Weekend, from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October, in Ballygar.  We will be hosting a Truck & Tractor Run, Monster Auction, Vintage Display & Farmer’s Market, with Bingo Loco, The Conquerors celebrating 30th Year of St Brendan’s LGFC, and Paul Kelly all live in the Mattie McDonagh Centre and there will be many more family fun activities happening throughout the weekend.  This year, we have chosen to fundraise for: BNT Le Chéile and St Anne’s Stroke & Brain Injury Unit, UHG.  It is Ballygar Truckin’s aim to help raise vital funds to help both causes to continue the real and necessary care and support they provide to members of our community.  If you require any further information relating to this event and ways to donate, please see our Social Media pages or contact any member of the committee.
  • Ballaghlea National School – Bake Sale on the 25th of October from 9:30am-1pm. Come along for a cuppa and a treat!
  • Kilkerrin Clonberne GMA (Gun Club) Auction – will be held on Sunday 27th October in Mee’s, Kilkerrin beginning at 5:00pm approx.  Please support.
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Aine Mc Dermott, Monivea on winning €507 in this week’s Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw.  Thank you for your continued support everyone.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Mairead Kelly, Ballinlass, who won €639 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.  Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets.  Next week’s draw in Fallons Saturday 19th October.


Ballygar Collection €895.00

Toghergar Collection €330.00

Newbridge Collection €740.00

 Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 11/10/2024

The Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 12th, October, 7.30pm – Tom Kinsley

Sunday 13th, October, 10.30am – Mary Lohan Anniversary

Monday 14th October, 9.30am

Tuesday 15th October, 7.30pm

Thursday 17th October, 9.30am

Friday 18th October, 7.30pm – Mary & Josie Martin, son Michael and daughter Mary-Teresa, Kilmore.

Saturday 19th October, 7.30pm – Liam Mulrooney 1st Anniversary

Sunday 20th October, 10.30am – Angela Keane and son Barry, Pound Road.


Sunday 13th October, 9.30am – Patricia and Paddy O’Brien

Sunday 20th October, 9.30am – Tommy Lee and deceased family members of the Lee and Cormican Families.


Sunday, 13th October, 11.30am – Mark Crehan, Tansy Village; Patrick and Katie Crehan and Noel Crehan, Killyan; Nora Byrne (née Crehan), Ballinasloe; Michael Fitzmaurice, Cloonlyon

Sunday, 20th October, 11.30am – Mary and Paddy Hynes, Tonacor; Anne Kelly, Gurteen, and her sister-in-law, Frances Kelly; Teresa and Jimmy Lyons, Curraghduff

Please remember in your prayers Eileen Harte, Tully East, Ballygar and Dublin and Birmingham, may she rest in peace.

  • Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette  St Peter and Paul’s Church, Athlone 2nd – 4th November, Church of the Risen Christ, Kiltoom 4th and 5th November. The schedule for Sligo Cathedral and Athlone is now available at,
  • Medjugorje Weekend Retreat, Knock Shrine, St. John’s Welcome Centre, Fri 25th Oct – Sun 27th Oct 2024.  Special Guest: Fr. Ivan Hrkac – Priest of the Parish of Medjugorje. Weekend Fee 30 Euro per person. Enquiries:  Teresa 085 7839388 or Bernadette 086 8196653.
  • Legion of Mary – information evening. Legion of Mary meetings are held in Courthouse, Ballygar every Tuesday at 8pm. Anyone who couldn’t make last Tuesdays information evening, are welcome to any Tuesday meeting.
  • Mission Month World Mission Sunday (20 October) is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. October and World Mission Sunday is a time for the faithful of the world to show their appreciation towards the work of overseas missionaries. Please donate €4.00 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively donate at or call Mission Ireland on 01 497 2035. To learn more go to
  • Welcome To The Family” – Exploring the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation – series of talks by Fr. Eugene Duffy exploring the meaning and importance of the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. The talks will take place on Monday evenings from Monday 7th October to Monday 2nd December from 8pm to 9.15pm at the Prayer Centre, Knock Shrine. This series will be of particular interest to parents preparing children for these sacraments, for parish teams and for those who wish to better understand the reason why these Sacraments are central elements in our lives as Catholics. This is a free series. No advanced booking is required. For further information, phone: Knock Shrine 094 9388100 / email:
  • Legion of Mary Mini Vigil will be held in the Parish Church in Knock on Friday 18th October 2024 commencing at 8.00 p.m. Transport can be arranged if enough people are interested.  Please contact Margaret Whyte, Mountbellew, on 087 2204772 by Tuesday 15th October.
  • Vocations Open DayThe National Vocations Office will be holding three open days for men over the age of 18 who wish to explore Diocesan Priesthood in Dublin (UCD), Galway (University of Galway) and Thurles (Pallottine College) during October and November. Information and registration forms can be found on the
  • Killeroran Cleanup – There will be a clean-up day in Killeroran cemetery on Saturday, October 19th starting at 11am. If everyone could bring some light tools for weeding shovel/spade, rake and sweeping brush etc. All are welcome and any help is much appreciated.
  • Save the Date! – Mountbellew Christmas Market will be on again this year on Sunday 17th November at the Ag College Gym.
  • Dunmore BingoDunmore Community Council bingo will take place this Sunday 13th October at 3pm in the Town Hall, Dunmore.  Lots of prizes on the day including a €500 jackpot.  Draw for free double book, single book, lucky line sheet & jackpot sheet.   Complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at the interval. All are welcome. 
  • Johnstons Pharmacy – we are delighted to welcome Kelly Hearing Specialist to our store from Thursday 17th October. Kelly Hearing will be providing an extensive range of audiology services including hearing tests, wax removal and hearing aids. Call instore or phone 094 9861698 for more details or to make an appointment. 
  • Johnstons Pharmacy – Delivery drivers needed! We are looking for full license drivers for deliveries to customers, nursing homes and between our pharmacies. Call instore for more details. 
  • BNT Le Cheile Benevolent Fund provides assistance to those in our community that are in need as a consequence of an unforeseen circumstance like an accident or other crisis.  The benevolent fund also supports local initiatives which are of benefit to our local community.  All applications and supporting documentation are accepted without prejudice and are treated as strictly private and confidential.  Requests for an application form for emergency assistance are available form Garda Pat Regan or Fr Douglas Zaggi, Parish Priest.  Alternatively, a confidential email may be sent to  If you have any further queries please drop us an email, or private message us on social media.
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Bridie Noone Rookhill on winning €461 in this week’s Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw.  Thank you for your continued support everyone.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Eugene Neary, Ballygar who won €602 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Martins Saturday 12th October.


Ballygar Collection €1,220.00

Toghergar Collection €315.00

Newbridge Collection €1,020.00

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 04/10/2024

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 5th October, 7.30pm – Seamie Langan Anniversary

Sunday 6th October, 10.30am – People of the Parish

Monday 7th, October, 9.30am

Tuesday 8th, October, 7.30pm

Thursday 10th, October, 9.30am

Friday 11th, October, 7.30pm – Dympna Galvin and her husband Joe

Saturday 12th, October, 7.30pm – Tom Kinsley

Sunday 13th, October, 10.30am – Mary Lohan Anniversary


Sunday 6th October, 9.30am – Andrew & Bridget Killelia

Sunday 13th October, 9.30am – Patricia and Paddy O’Brien


Sunday 6th October, 11.30amMass for the Season of Creation. Mary Gavin, Tully Village, her husband, Jimmy, and all the Gavin and Dowd family members gone home to God.

Wednesday 9th October – No mass in Newbridge

Friday 11th October. 8.15pm – Tess Killilea and Brid Hannon (requested by the Newbridge Ladies Club)

Sunday 13th October, 11.30am – Mark Crehan, Tansy Village

Please remember in your Prayers – Pat Fleming, late of Toomard who died in Birmingham on Sunday 29th of September, with his wife Patsy by his side.  Predeceased by his parents Thomas and Sarah, brother Michael, Sister in Law Dorothy and Nephew Christopher. May they Rest in Peace.

  • Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette  St Peter and Paul’s Church, Athlone 2nd – 4th November, Church of the Risen Christ, Kiltoom 4th and 5th November. The schedule for Sligo Cathedral and Athlone is now available at
  • Legion of Mary – information evening. Legion of Mary meetings are held in Courthouse, Ballygar every Tuesday at 8pm. Anyone who couldn’t make last Tuesdays information evening, are welcome to any Tuesday meeting.
  • Mission Month World Mission Sunday (20 October) is the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. October and World Mission Sunday is a time for the faithful of the world to show their appreciation towards the work of overseas missionaries. Please donate €4.00 by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. Alternatively donate at or call Mission Ireland on 01 497 2035. To learn more go to
  • Legion of Mary Mini Vigil will be held in the Parish Church in Knock on Friday 18th October 2024 commencing at 8.00 p.m. Transport can be arranged if enough people are interested.  Please contact Margaret Whyte, Mountbellew, on 087 2204772 by Tuesday 15th October.
  • Killeroran Cleanup – There will be a clean-up day in Killeroran cemetery on Saturday, October 19th starting at 11am. If everyone could bring some light tools for weeding shovel/spade, rake and sweeping brush etc. All are welcome and any help is much appreciated.
  • Active Retirement Meeting – The monthly meeting of Mountbellew and District Active Retirement will be held in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew on Monday 7th October at 8pm. New members welcome.
  • BNT Le Cheile Benevolent Fund provides assistance to those in our community that are in need as a consequence of an unforeseen circumstance like an accident or other crisis.  The benevolent fund also supports local initiatives which are of benefit to our local community.  All applications and supporting documentation are accepted without prejudice and are treated as strictly private and confidential.  Requests for an application form for emergency assistance are available form Garda Pat Regan or Fr Douglas Zaggi, Parish Priest.  Alternatively, a confidential email may be sent to  If you have any further queries please drop us an email, or private message us on social media.
  • Coláiste an Chreagáin, Mountbellew, Secondary School OPEN EVENING on Thursday 10th October. Principal’s Address at 7pm followed by Tours of the School and a meet and greet with staff and students. Refreshments will be served. Admissions are now open for 1st Year students in 2025/2026. We look forward to welcoming you to our close knit and vibrant school community. Contact details:  Coláiste an Chreagáin, Mountbellew, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. 0909679231  email:
  • Foot Clinic in Ballygar Pharmacy is Thursday 10th October 2024.  Call Deirdre on 086 361 2578.
  • Little Kickers NOW in Co Galway, Football fun for children aged 18months to 8 years.  In Moylough Community Centre on every Sunday – 9.30- 10.10am -1½-2½ years, 10.15-11am- 2½-3½ years, 11.05-11.50am-3½-5 years, Register your child today, or email
  • Galway Fit-Up Theatre festival closes its second week in Newbridge Hall on Wed 9th October. Join us for Colin Hamell’s play ”Bumbled”.   A hilarious comedy with an Irish twist about the plight of bees (yes – Bees!) in the modern world. Bumbled follows Pascal, an Irish honey bee, as he embarks on a hilarious and poignant journey to tell the world about the importance of bees, save the planet, and to find true happiness with his French girlfriend, the epic Marion. Hosted by Three Rings in association with Galway County Arts Office with support from Arts Council   Time: 8pm Duration: 60 mins. approx.  Age Suitability 14+ Tickets €15/ Conc €12.50. Contact 0879677732 
  • Tús Opportunities Galway Rural Development has a number of part-time administration and other vacancies now available. Supported by the Tús programme: if you are a year or more on a Jobseeker’s payment and would like to contribute to a charity or community group in your locality, then this is your chance. Placements are for 12-18 months with pay and PRSI contributions recorded. Completion of the Tús programme provides future employers with evidence of work experience, training, a reference, and a CV. For more information, contact GRD’s Tús team at 087 9335477 or email
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Mike & Annmaire Shaughnessy on winning €529.  Next week’s draw will take in place in Hughes Bar, Ballinasmore Bridge.  Thank you for your support & to all the business for their support every week also.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Daniel Smith, Ballygar who won €612 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Hughes Saturday 5th October.


Ballygar Collection €820.00

Toghergar Collection €400.00

Newbridge Collection €942.69

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27/09/2024

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 28th September. 7.30pm – Mass for Children buried in unmarked graves

Sunday 29th September, 10.30am – (Martin) Marty Connolly Months mind

Monday 30th September, 9.30am

Tuesday 1st October,7.30pm

Thursday 3rd October, 9.30am – John Joe Flynn 2nd Anniversary and Sean Flynn

Friday 4th October, 7.30pm – Maureen and John Walsh

Saturday 5th October, 7.30pm – Seamie Langan Anniversary

Sunday 6th October, 10.30am – People of the Parish


Sunday 29th September, 9.30am – Mary Margaret and Josie Larkin

Sunday 6th October, 9.30am – Andrew & Bridget Killelia


Saturday 28th September, 11am -Michael O’Connor, Cloonshivna – Month’s Mind Mass

Sunday 29th September, 11.30amMartie Healy, Ballaghlea -2nd anniversary

Wednesday 2nd October, 8pm

Friday 4th October, 8pm

Sunday 6th October, 11.30amMass for the Season of Creation

  • Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette  The relics will arrive at Knock Basilica on Sunday 29th September at 11.30am and will be present at both the 12 noon and 3pm Masses. Veneration will take place after the 12 noon Mass until 2pm. The relics of St Bernadette will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland for the very first time, visiting every diocese in the country. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo 1st and 2nd October, Sts Peter and Paul’s Church, Athlone 2nd – 4th November, Church of the Risen Christ, Kiltoom 4th and 5th November. The schedule for Sligo Cathedral and Athlone is now available at
  • Time for Creation – From September 1st until October 4th the Christian Church throughout the world celebrates the Time for Creation.  The Time for Creation is linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.  It is a time when we are asked by Pope Francis to become more aware of the beauty of the natural world around us.  Please see our sacred space, in celebration of this time, in the sanctuary of our Church. 
  • Medjugorje – Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 9th – 16th October Knock – Mostar, return Split – Knock. Full board €855.00 per person sharing. Single supplement €150.  To book phone Marian Pilgrimages 01/8788159 or Tom Moran 086-0815635. Spiritual Director Fr Christy McHugh.
  • Legion of Mary – information evening. Legion of Mary meetings are held in Courthouse, Ballygar every Tuesday at 8pm. Anyone who couldn’t make last Tuesdays information evening, are welcome to any Tuesday meeting.
  • Active Retirement Meeting – The monthly meeting of Mountbellew and District Active Retirement will be held in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew on Monday 7th October at 8pm. New members welcome
  • BNT Le Cheile Benevolent Fund provides assistance to those in our community that are in need as a consequence of an unforeseen circumstance like an accident or other crisis.  The benevolent fund also supports local initiatives which are of benefit to our local community.  All applications and supporting documentation are accepted without prejudice and are treated as strictly private and confidential.  Requests for an application form for emergency assistance are available form Garda Pat Regan or Fr Douglas Zaggi, Parish Priest.  Alternatively, a confidential email may be sent to  If you have any further queries please drop us an email, or private message us on social media.
  • Coláiste an Chreagáin, Mountbellew, Secondary School OPEN EVENING on Thursday 10th October. Principal’s Address at 7pm followed by Tours of the School and a meet and greet with staff and students. Refreshments will be served. Admissions are now open for 1st Year students in 2025/2026. We look forward to welcoming you to our close knit and vibrant school community. Contact details:  Coláiste an Chreagáin, Mountbellew, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. 0909679231  email:
  • Foot Clinic in Ballygar Pharmacy is Thursday 10th October 2024.  Call Deirdre on 086 361 2578.
  • School Bus Escort required – Bus leaving Moylough for morning and evening runs, 4hrs each day for school term, Contact Glenamaddy Community School 094 9659315.
  • Little Kickers NOW in Co Galway, Football fun for children aged 18months to 8 years.  In Moylough Community Centre on every Sunday – 9.30- 10.10am -1½-2½ years, 10.15-11am- 2½-3½ years, 11.05-11.50am-3½-5 years, Register your child today, or email
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Katie, Sarah and Jack Gavin Boherbannagh on winning €502 in this 50/50 draw.  Thank you for your support & to all the business for their support every week also.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Stephen, Sean, Amy, Lucy & Shay c/o Patricia Heavy who won €625 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.  Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in The Thatch Saturday 28th September.


Ballygar Collection €750.00

Toghergar Collection €325.00

Newbridge Collection €740.00

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20/09/2024

The Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


25th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 21st September, 7.30pm – Josephine Nolan Anniversary

Sunday 22nd September, 10.30am – People of the Parish

Monday 23rd September, 9.30am – For the sick of the Parish

Tuesday 24th September, 7.30pm

Thursday 26th September, 9.30am

Friday 27th September, 7.30pm –  Mary Ann, Bernie & Geraldine Crehan, Cloonlyon

Saturday 28th September, 12pm – Sean Flynn Months Mind

Saturday 28th September. 7.30pm – Mass for Children buried in unmarked graves

Sunday 29th September, 10.30am – (Martin) Marty Connolly Months mind

As the special mass for Children’s burial grounds of the Parish approaches, scheduled to take place in St.Mary’s Church, Ballygar on Saturday evening 28th September, at 7.30 pm.  For anyone who may wish to include the name of a deceased child, buried at any of the locations, a box is available in the porch of St Mary’s Church, Ballygar where the deceased child’s name can be placed. The box, containing the names of the deceased, will be taken to the altar for remembrance at this special mass on the 28th September next.


Sunday 22nd September, 9.30am – Padraic Kinsella, parents Malachy & Catherine, sisters Mary and Margaret.

Sunday 29th September, 9.30am – Mary Margaret and Josie Larkin


Sunday 22nd September, 11.30am – Patrick, Mary and Séamus Farrell, Ballaghlea, and Bridget McDonnell and Nigel Newland and deceased family members;

Tommie and Agnes Crehan, Cloonshivna, and deceased members of the Crehan and Finneran families

Wednesday 25th September, 8pmFriday 27thSeptember, 8pm – John Egan, Lisquell East – 2nd anniversary

Saturday 28th September, 11am – Michael O’Connor, Cloonshivna – Month’s Mind Mass

Sunday 29th September, 11.30am – Martie Healy, Ballaghlea – 2nd anniversary

Please remember in your prayers Barbara McLaughlin, Ballinacor, may she rest in peace.

  • Jubilee of Marriages – Couples celebrating their Silver, Ruby, Golden or Diamond wedding anniversaries are invited to attend a Jubilee Mass, along with their families and friends, on Sunday 22nd September at 2.30pm in St Brigid’s Church, Four Mile House or Sunday 6th October at 2.30pm in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo.  Light refreshments will be served after both Masses for all in attendance.  As each couple celebrating an Anniversary will receive a certificate from Bishop Kevin, they are asked to register their details at
  • Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette  In September and October this year, the relics of St Bernadette will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland for the very first time, visiting every diocese in the country. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo 1st and 2nd October, Sts Peter and Paul’s Church, Athlone 2nd – 4th November, Church of the Risen Christ, Kiltoom 4th and 5th November. The schedule for Sligo Cathedral and Athlone is now available at
  • The Legion of Mary are having a recruitment drive in the parish this weekend, 21st and 22nd September.  A member will speak at Masses in Ballygar, Newbridge and Toghergar Churches and it is hoped to do house to house visitation in Ballygar on Sunday.  The Legion of Mary will hold an information evening on Tuesday 24th September at 8pm in the Courthouse, Ballygar.  All welcome.
  • Time for Creation – From September 1st until October 4th the Christian Church throughout the world celebrates the Time for Creation.  The Time for Creation is linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.  It is a time when we are asked by Pope Francis to become more aware of the beauty of the natural world around us.  Please see our sacred space, in celebration of this time, in the sanctuary of our Church. 
  • Ballygar Hospice Coffee Morning – Ballygar Hospice Support Group are hosting a Coffee morning/afternoon in the Courthouse on Thursday 26th September 10am to 2pm. Any baking would be appreciated. Please Support this worthy cause.
  • Medjugorje – Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 9th – 16th October Knock – Mostar, return Split – Knock. Full board €855.00 per person sharing. Single supplement €150.  To book phone Marian Pilgrimages 01/8788159 or Tom Moran 086-0815635. Spiritual Director Fr Christy McHugh.
  • There will be a coffee morning fundraiser on the 26th of September in aid of Galway hospice, in St Cuans College Castleblakeney from 9:30 – 12:30.
  • BNT Le Cheile Benevolent Fund provides assistance to those in our community that are in need as a consequence of an unforeseen circumstance like an accident or other crisis.  The benevolent fund also supports local initiatives which are of benefit to our local community.  All applications and supporting documentation are accepted without prejudice and are treated as strictly private and confidential.  Requests for an application form for emergency assistance are available form Garda Pat Regan or Fr Douglas Zaggi, Parish Priest.  Alternatively, a confidential email may be sent to  If you have any further queries please drop us an email, or private message us on social media.
  • School Bus Escort required – Bus leaving Moylough for morning and evening runs, 4hrs each day for school term, Contact Glenamaddy Community School 094 9659315.
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Tony Bonfonti c/o Fr Tommy Conway Mississippi on winning €462 in this 50/50 draw. 
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Amelia & Harry Crowe, Newbridge who won €625 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.  Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets.  Next week’s draw in Kennys, Saturday 21st September.


Ballygar Collection €780.00

Toghergar Collection €400.00

Newbridge Collection €727.90

Received with thanks

BNT Newsletter – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13/09/2024

The Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 14th September, 7.30pm – Mickie Geraghy Anniversary also remember Michael Hernan

Sunday 15th September, 10.30am – People of the Parish

Monday 16th September, 9.30am – Joe Chamberlain Anniversary

Tuesday 17th September, 7.30pm

Thursday 19th September, 9.30am

Friday 20th September, 7.30pm

Saturday 21st September, – Baptism

Saturday 21st September, 7.30pm – Josephine Nolan Anniversary

Sunday 22nd September, 10.30am – People of the Parish


Sunday 14th September, 9.30am – Tommy Kelly Anniversary

Sunday 22nd September, 9.30am – Padraic Kinsella, parents Malachy & Catherine, sisters Mary and Margaret.


Sunday 15th September, 11.30pm

Wednesday 18th September, 8pm

Friday 20th September, 8pm – Tom and Bridget Hynes and their daughter Margaret and deceased members of the Hynes and Geraghty families

Sunday 22nd September, 11.30am – Patrick, Mary and Séamus Farrell, Ballaghlea, and Bridget McDonnell and Nigel Newland and deceased family members;

Tommie and Agnes Crehan, Cloonshivna, and deceased members of the Crehan and Finneran families

Please pray for all those that are sick in our community and those that provide great care for them.

  • Jubilee of Marriages – Couples celebrating their Silver, Ruby, Golden or Diamond wedding anniversaries are invited to attend a Jubilee Mass, along with their families and friends, on Sunday 22nd September at 2.30pm in St Brigid’s Church, Four Mile House or Sunday 6th October at 2.30pm in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo.  Light refreshments will be served after both Masses for all in attendance.  As each couple celebrating an Anniversary will receive a certificate from Bishop Kevin, they are asked to register their details at
  • Poor Clares Galway, Monastic Experience Day – for women 18-35.  An opportunity to explore and experience Poor Clare life and spirituality.  The event will take place from 10am to 5pm on Saturday the 21st of September.  Contact: to book a place.  For more information:
  • Medjugorje – Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 9th – 16th October Knock – Mostar, return Split – Knock. Full board €855.00 per person sharing. Single supplement €150.  To book phone Marian Pilgrimages 01/8788159 or Tom Moran 086-0815635. Spiritual Director Fr Christy McHugh.
  • Time for Creation – From September 1st until October 4th the Christian Church throughout the world celebrates the Time for Creation.  The Time for Creation is linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.  It is a time when we are asked by Pope Francis to become more aware of the beauty of the natural world around us.  Please see our sacred space, in celebration of this time, in the sanctuary of our Church. 
  • Children’s Burial Grounds of the Parish (Lisheen/Cillíní) – In preparation for a Special Mass to commemorate children buried in these grounds across our parish, a full record of all such burial grounds is required. We ask parishioners help in adding to the list which had already been compiled, which is available on poster at back of each of the parish churches. We ask you to please add to or amend to this list. Your assistance is very much appreciated.
  • BNT Le Cheile Benevolent Fund provides assistance to those in our community that are in need as a consequence of an unforeseen circumstance like an accident or other crisis.  The benevolent fund also supports local initiatives which are of benefit to our local community.  All applications and supporting documentation are accepted without prejudice and are treated as strictly private and confidential.  Requests for an application form for emergency assistance are available form Garda Pat Regan or Fr Douglas Zaggi, Parish Priest.  Alternatively, a confidential email may be sent to  If you have any further queries please drop us an email, or private message us on social media.
  • Newbridge Culture Night Concert on Fri Sept 20th at 8.30pm in Newbridge Hall.   All are welcome to ‘Sounds of the Townlands’ a celebration showcasing our great local talent.  Songs, tunes and surprises!!!  Free event, refreshments on the night. Pop in and check it out.
  • Ballygar Culture Night 2024Ballygar Culture Night will take place on Friday, September 20th, 2024 in the courthouse – Starting at 4pm.   4pm – 7pm:    Wildlife Photo display by local photographer Shane Coyle 8pm – 9pm:    Presentation by Paul Connolly Entitled; ‘The Ffrench Sisters of Bushy Park House.’  9:15pm to 10:15pm: Concert by Roscommon based traditional music group Gatehouse.  All are welcome and Admission is Free.  Kindly supported by Galway County Council
  • Yoga classes – are starting back on Wednesdays commencing 18th September in the Courthouse. 6pm to 7pm. 7.15pm to 8.15pm. Contact Petra 0868257322. 
  • Horseshoe throwing & Vintage run: Mountbellew Heritage & Mountbellew Vintage club will host a horseshoe throwing event and vintage run on Sunday 15th September @12pm at the old forge in aid of East Galway Cancer support. This event is in memory of the late David Walsh and all are welcome to participate whether or not you’ve thrown a horseshoe before! It’s all for fun and it’s all for charity!
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Willie Ganley, Drinane, Ballygar on winning €479. Thank you for you for your continued support &to all the business for their support also.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Simone, Ariana & Mia Carty, St Brendan’s who won €543 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Martins, Saturday 31st August.


Ballygar Collection €810.00

Toghergar Collection €455.00

Newbridge Collection €672.95

Received with thanks