The Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,
Fourth Sunday of Easter – Day of Prayer for Vocations
Saturday 20th April, 7.30pm – Ita Keane Months Mind
Sunday 21st April, 10.30am
Monday 22nd April, 9.30am
Tuesday 23rd April, 7.30pm – Catherine Keane
Thursday 25th April, 9.30am
Friday 26th April, 7.30pm – Annie Mannion Gately
Saturday 27th April, 7.30pm – Leo Flynn and son Francie and deceased family members
Sunday 28th April, 10.30am – Delia Egan, mother of Delia Healy
Sunday 21st April, 9.30am – Teresa & Paddy Hannon and deceased family members
Sunday 28th April, 9.30am – Delia & Josie Carty and deceased family members of the Carty and Gately family
Saturday 20th April, 11am – Michael Crehan, Tansy Village and Everett, Washington – Month’s Mind Sunday 21st April, 11.30am – Matt and Kate, Patsy and Nan, Owen, Catherine, Jennifer O’Reilly, and all deceased members of the Hynes family, Lisquell West
Wednesday, 24th April, 8pm – Brigid, Pake and Gerard Noone, Rookhill
Friday 26th April, 8pm – Andy and Nora Muldoon, Cloonkeen, and deceased members of the Muldoon and Crehan families
Sunday 28th April, 11.30am – Josephine Ward, Kilcoosh – First anniversary – and deceased family members; Deceased members of the Quinn family, Ballaghlea – Fr. Paddy, Andrew, Fr. Michael and Fr. Peter
- The Youth 2000 Connaught retreat will take place in Calasanctius College, Oranmore, Co. Galway on the weekend of May 10th to 12th, consisting of workshops, talks, testimonies, music, prayer and time to relax & meet with others. Come along for the weekend or pop in & say hello! Donation only, 16-35yrs. To book a place or for more information, visit or email
- Seniorline – Would like someone to talk to? SeniorLine is Ireland’s national telephone service for older people open every day of the year 10am-10pm, Freephone 1800 80 45 91. Callers may feel isolated, alone, wish to discuss a problem in confidence, or for company during their day. SeniorLine’s older volunteers are trained to listen, to support, to discuss options and to refer caller to other helpful services if necessary. So don’t be alone if sharing a problem would help. Phone SeniorLine 1800 80 45 91, open every day of the year 10am-10pm ELPHIN DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES – ASSISTED PILGRIM SECTION – The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from 30th August, 2024 to the 4th September, 2024 inclusive, under the leadership of Bishop Kevin Doran. Pilgrimage Highlights includes Mass at the Grotto, Torchlight and Blessed Sacrament Processions, Anointing of the Sick, Water Ceremony. Flights ex Knock Airport. The Pilgrimage includes the Assisted Pilgrim Section. Those who travel as part of the Assisted Pilgrim Section will stay in Accueil Notre Dame, which is situated beside the Grotto and Sanctuary area. They will be cared for by the Elphin Diocesan Pilgrimage Care Team whilst in Lourdes. Application forms for the Assisted Pilgrim Section and full details are available from Very Rev. Ray Milton, P.P., Pilgrimage Director, St. John’s, Lecarrow, Co. Roscommon. (Telephone – 090 6661115). Closing date for receipt of completed Application Forms is the 10th June, 2024. All other enquiries in relation to the Pilgrimage can be directed to Joe Walsh Tours (JWT) at 01 2410800 or email
- Have you ever dreamed of walking the Camino – Join the MSC Missions as we walk the shaded lanes and valleys of the Camino Ingles walking from Ferrol to Santiago in Northern Spain from the 29th July to 5th August 2024. The temperature in this part of northern Spain in July is perfect for walking, like a balmy summer day in Ireland. For more details of this fundraising pilgrimage ring Mary at 021 454 6691 or email
- Bus to National Pilgrimage for Life in Knock on Sat 4th May picking up from Roscommon Church at 11am. Fare 20eur. Booking essential: contact Siobhan on 083 0254 809 before 9pm Sun 27th.
- Bus to Pro Life Campaign March for Life in Dublin on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May leaving Roscommon Church at 8am. Fare 30 euro. Booking essential: contact Siobhan on 083 0254 809 before 9pm Mon 28th.
- Ballygar Ladies Club – Ballygar Ladies Club meeting next Thursday 25th April at 8pm in The Courthouse. All ladies welcome. Admission €3.
- BNT MEALS ON WHEELS – the AGM of BNT Meals on Wheels will take place in the Mattie McDonagh Centre on Thursday 25th April at 1.30pm. All our welcome. If you have a few spare hours during the week and would like to volunteer, please come down to the AGM or alternatively contact Teresa on 087-450-2761
- Newbridge Action Committee – Sending an invitation to all parishioners with an interest in promoting community issues to come to NAC AGM on Thursday April 25th in Newbridge hall at 9pm.
- To those on Facebook, your support would be greatly appreciated in liking/ following ‘ Ballygar Mental Health Awareness & Promotion’ – a community page to educate, inform, highlight support groups and trainings locally & online, share podcasts/ relevant media & resources, promote wellness & self-care, signpost services and break down stigma, with the message that no one should feel alone re their mental health and reaching out or asking for help is a strength, not a weakness!
- Next Foot Clinic in Ballygar Pharmacy is 25th April 2024.
- Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this weeks winner John & Noreen Muldoon Cloonkeen winning €456. Next week’s draw will be in the Bridge bar Mountbellew. Thanks to everyone for their continued support every week, 6 months and yearly envelopes available from committee members.
- Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to Padraic Cummins, Dysart who won €651 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns Lotto. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw Saturday 20th April in Martins.
Ballygar €779.00
Toghergar Collection €460.00
Newbridge Collection €762.00
Received with thanks