BNT Newsletter 28th Sunday in Ordinary time


28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 14th October, 7.30pm – Tom Kinsley Anniversary.  Also remember Robert Mockler, Tully whose anniversary occurs around this time.

Sunday 15th October, 10.30am – Mary & Pake Lohan and deceased members of the Lohan and Kelly families. 

Sunday 15th October, 2.30pm – Jubilee of Marriages

Monday 16th October, 9.30am

Tuesday 17th October, 7.30pm

Thursday 19th October, 9.30am

Friday 20th October, 7.30pm

Saturday 21st October, 7.30pm – Mary & John Kelly Anniversary

Sunday 22nd October, 10.30am – People of the Parish


Sunday 15th October, 9.30am – Paddy O’Brien and deceased family members

Sunday 22nd October, 9.30am – Tommy Lee and deceased family members of the Lee and Cormican families


Sunday 15th October, 11.30 am – Paddy and Mary Hynes, Tonacor  

Wednesday 18th October – No Mass in Newbridge

Friday 20th October, 8.00pm – Teresa and Jimmy Lyons, Curraghduff, Mary Flynn and deceased members of the Lyons, Collins and Flynn families

Sunday 22nd October, 11.30am –   Ann Kelly, Gurteen – 21st anniversary,

Tom and Mary Hannigan – anniversaries                                                                                                                    

Please pray for Dympna Galvin, MountMary, who died during the week, may she rest in peace.

  • St. Jerome once said, “Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ”.  In order to increase our knowledge of Christ through Scripture, the diocese is organizing a 6-week course on the Gospel of Mark, which is the gospel for the next liturgical year.  It is not an academic course but will only help us understand the gospel at a spiritual level.  The course begins on 25th November at 7:30pm in the courthouse.  Interested participants should contact Fr. Douglas or Mary O’ Malley. Looking forward to engaging with you.
  • BNT Youth Club Cloud 9 – Your new youth club is up and running in the Old Town Hall every Friday night.  The 1st & 2nd year students time is from 6.30pm to 8pm and from 3rd year to 5th year 8.30pm – 10pm with a cover fee of €2.  Looking forward to seeing you.
  • Foot Clinic – in Ballygar Pharmacy is Thursday 19th October.  Call Deirdre on 086 361 2578. 
  • Building For Childrens Table quiz in Fallon’s bar on Friday 20th October at 8.30pm, Teams of 4 €10 per person.  Proceeds in aid of Building For Childrens upcoming project in Sebeta Blind School,Ethiopia.  Contact David Mulrooney 086 2485891 for any information.
  • Farmers – The final ACRES training courses will take place on Friday 20th & Saturday 21st of October. Any farmer currently in ACRES can attend this training. To book your place contact Gary on 087 3916789.
  • SafeTALK Training – will take place in Solas Family Resource Centre, Old School Building, Ballygar on Monday 23rd October 7pm-10.30pm.  SafeTALK ‘suicide alertness for everyone’ prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and helps to recognise and engage with them before connecting them to suicide first aid resources.  Participants learn how to provide practical help by using the steps of TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe) and also gain information on the supports and resources available locally, regionally and nationally. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the persons learning them will use them to help reduce suicide risk in their community. This training is suitable for anyone over the age of 18, open to all in the community and free of charge. It’s not an easy topic but if we take the step to educate ourselves we might be able to make the difference in the lives of our family, friends, relatives. neighbors, teammates, colleagues, students, employees and our community.   Booking is essential as places are limited!
  • Ballygar Truckin’ is Celebrating 10 Years and following on from the huge support we received for last year’s event, raising €30,000 for BNT Le Chéile and Friends of Oncology, Ballinasloe, we are delighted that this year’s fun filled event has been extended to 3 Days over the October Bank Holiday Weekend, from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th October, in Ballygar.We will be hosting a Truck & Tractor Run, Monster Auction, Vintage Display, with Bingo Loco, Declan Nerney, and Paul Kelly all live in the Mattie McDonagh Centre and there will be many more family fun activities happening throughout the weekend. This year, we have chosen to fundraise for: BNT Le Chéile and Roscommon Hospice. It is Ballygar Truckin’s aim to help raise vital funds to help both causes to continue the real and necessary care and support they provide to members of our community. If you require any further information relating to this event and ways to donate, please see our Social Media pages or contact any member of the committee.
  • VINTAGE TRACTOR RUN – Mountbellew Vintage Club are organising a Tractor Run (VINTAGE TRACTORS ONLY) on Sunday October 15th. The Tractor Run is to raise funds for a number of people who are currently suffering with Parkinson’s disease. The Tractor Run will start from Ward’s of Ballyfa at 11 am. The route has yet to be finalised. Anyone wishing to donate to this worthy cause can contact Fergal on 087-6725957 or Mike Joe on 086-1016748
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 drawCongratulations to this week’s winner of the Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw Eileen Shaughnessy who won 540euro in last week’s For the month of October the 50/50 will be ran by Newbridge – Galway Tidy Towns.  We appreciate the support at Always.  Thanks to everyone for their continued support every week, 6 months and yearly envelopes available from committee members. 
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to Bernie Downey, Woodview, Ballygar who won €573 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns Lotto. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw Saturday 14th October in Hughes.

Parish Bank Details – anyone wishing to Contribute by Direct Debit please use the following:

Ballygar Church – IBAN: IE02 BOFI 90370130537474

Newbridge Church – IBAN: IE87 BOFI 90370155385307

Toghergar Church: IBAN: IE41 BOFI 90370192573219

Priests Collection – IBAN: IE10 BOFI 90370172690426

Ballygar Offertory Collection €615.00,  

Toghergar Offertory Collection €310.00,

Newbridge Offertory Collection €600.00

 Received with thanks