The Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 27th January, 7.30pm – Nancy Kelly 1st Anniversary
Sunday 28th January, 10.30am – People of the Parish
Monday 29th January, 9.30am
Tuesday 30th January, 7.30pm
Thursday 1st February, 9.30am – St. Brigid
Friday 2nd February, 7.30pm – Sr. Siobhan Kelly, London and Kilmore who died recently
Saturday 3rd February, 12pm – Tom Neary Months Mind
Saturday 3rd February, 7.30pm – Maureen Connell and Jimmy Cuffe
Sunday 4th February, 10.30am – People of the Parish
Candle will be blessed on Thursday 1st February at 9.30am Mass. Anyone who wishes to leave in candles, please leave in box on Altar.
Blessing of Throats, St. Blaise, on Saturday 3rd February at 7.30pm Mass
Sunday 28th January, 9.30am – Pake & Andy Farrell
Sunday 3rd February, 9.30am
Sunday 28th January, 11.30am – Bobby Carty – Month’s Mind Mass
Wednesday 31st January, 7pm
Friday 2nd February, 7pm. – Mary Crehan, Woodbrook and Galway, and her parents, Mark and Mary Jo.
Sunday 4th February, 11.30am – Fr. Peter Mockler, Woodbrook and Mississippi
The Parochial house can be contacted on a Monday or Thursday mornings only on 090-6624637.
Please remember in your prayers Breege Hannon, St. Brendans who went home to God, may she rest in peace.
- Medjugorje Youth Festival – The Diocese of Elphin invites young adults in the diocese aged 18-35 on pilgrimage to Medjugorje this summer for the Youth Festival from 31st July – 7th August, led by Bishop Kevin. The cost per person sharing is €650. For more information, detail of costs, registration form etc. please see the diocesan website on or contact the Diocesan Office at 071-9150106 and
- Pioneer Association – Calling Pioneers and Friends to the 25th Pioneer National Ball. An evening of celebration and fun on Saturday April 6th 2024. Mass at 6pm in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar, followed by special guest speaker, dinner, music and dancing at the Annebrook House Hotel, Mullingar. Extra activities on Friday night and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. For details/tickets contact Dermot Fagan 085-7201646 or Daisy Carey 087-6544626.
- Ballygar NS – enrolling for September 2024 – Ballygar NS are delighted to announce that we will be accepting enrolments from Monday 15th January. All are welcome to attend our Enrolment Evening which will take place on Wednesday 31 January at 7.30pm. If you would like any further information please feel free to contact us:- 09066 24951 / We look forward to welcoming you!
- Private Home Help available in Ballygar and surrounding areas. Contact 090-6624964
- BNT Social Services – has reopened for the new year. Every Friday in the Old School, Ballygar a hot meal and some great company awaits you. For enquiries contact Social Services on 090-6624034 after 6pm.
- BNT Youth Club – is back for the new year. Every Friday from 6.30 to 8pm for 1st & 2nd years then 8.30 to 10pm from 3rd years to Leaving Certs. Come down enjoy some pool, darts, table tennis and much more. Shake of the stress and hassle of the week with some good friends all for the cover fee of €2!
- Active Retirement Meeting – The monthly meeting of Mountbellew and District Active Retirement will take place in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew on Monday 5th February at 8pm. All new members welcome
- Mountbellew St Patricks Day Parade is being held on 17th March at 12 midday. The theme of this year’s parade is Sheep /Sheep shearing, to help Mountbellew promote the All-Ireland Sheepshearing competition and the International Five Nations Competition which is being held on June Bank Holiday weekend. We are encouraging every business in the town to enter a float this year. There is no entry fee this year. Entry forms can be obtained from Henrys Bar, or any committee member or email
- New opportunity to join Mountbellew CE Scheme – General Operatives/ Maintenance Workers
Duties to include: Working around Mountbellew with responsibility for cutting grass, shrub planting, cleaning, painting, litter control, keeping public areas tidy and maintaining nature trails and general maintenance around the town. This is a developmental opportunity, no experience necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career. For further details please contact Sean O’ Neill on 090 9679085 /0871209739 or email
- Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s winner Rebecca Bane Moylough on winning €602. Next week’s draw will be in the Bridge bar Mountbellew. Thanks to everyone for their continued support every week, 6 months and yearly envelopes available from committee members.
- Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to David Naughton, Ballinamore Bridge who won €604 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns Lotto. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw Saturday 27th January in Martins.
Ballygar Offertory Collection €765.00
Toghergar Offertory Collection €345.00
Newbridge Offertory Collection €1,335.00
Received with thanks