BNT Newsletter – 3rd Sunday in Advent

Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


3rd Sunday in Advent – ST MARYS CHURCH

Saturday 14th December, 7.30pm – Jackie Gately 1st Anniversary

Sunday 15th December, 10.30am – Gerry Holmes

Monday 16th December, 9.30am

Tuesday 17th December, 7.30pm

Thursday 19th December, 9.30am – Special Intention

Thursday 19th December, 7pm – Confessions in Ballygar

Friday 20th December, 7.30pm

Saturday 21st December, 7.30pm – Kathleen & Pakie Cuffee, sons Tommy and Jimmy and Maureen O’Connell

Sunday 22nd December, 10.30am – People of the Parish

St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors –  Dec 14th & Dec 15th Mike Lohan & Michael Kelly

                                                                        Dec 21st & 22nd Tommy Fallon & Adrian Keegan


Sunday 15th December, 9.30am

Sunday 22nd December, 9.30am


Sunday 15th December, 11.30am – Mary McDermott, Lissavruggy – Month’s Mind

Sunday 15th December after 11.30am Mass Confessions

Wednesday 18th December, 6.30pm

Friday 20th December, 7pm

Sunday 22nd December, 11.30am – Deceased members of the Britton family, Kilclough: Thomas J, Mary Ellen, Patrick, Mary T and John.

Wednesday, 18th December, 7.30 p.m. – Ballaghlea Christmas Carols in St. Patrick’s Church, Newbridge:

Please note: Sometime this past year someone donated an outdoor Nativity Set (quite large figures) to Fr Louis. He understood he was free to find a new home for them. The intention of the giver was to display them on the Church grounds…….so if you know to whom I gave this Nativity Set, please, please contact me – Louis. I need to try to return it to the giver. Thanks. It’s not the first time Jesus got lost!!!!

Christmas envelopes are to be collected from the sacristy. Please collect and distribute.  Thanks to all who helped during the past year.

  • St Vincent de Paul Local Appeal -The local branch of St Vincent de Paul is based in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew, and serves the surrounding parishes including the parish of Ballygar/Newbridge/Toghergar. We depend on donations to enable us to help individuals and families who may be finding life difficult at present. We wish to acknowledge the generosity of the people of this parish over the last ten years and hope you will continue to support the work we do by contributing to our Christmas Appeal.  We will not be having a church-gate collection this year but instead we have Postage-free Envelopes left at the church porch where you can put your donation. You can free-post them to our office in Mountbellew or leave them in the Offertory Collection baskets.   If you wish to donate online, a poster in the porch will give you information on how to do that. It’s important to emphasise that all donations given locally are used to help people in our local parishes.  Our local helpline number is 0851846866. All applications for help are dealt with in the strictest confidence.  Thank you again for supporting the work of St Vincent de Paul.
  • Annual Christmas Carols by Candlelight – In aid of St Vincent de Paul, St Mary’s church choir will host their annual Christmas Carol service in St Marys Church, Ballygar on Sunday, December 22nd at 8pm. Come and hear all your favourite Christmas carols. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
  • The 5 First Saturdays Devotion for World Peace will commence on Saturday 7th December in St. Mary’s Church beginning at 6.45pm with Rosary and mediation, Vigil Mass 7.30pm, Holy Communion, Confession within 21days.
  • Santa Claus coming to Hughes bar Sun 15th Dec 2-4pm. Fun day guaranteed. All proceeds in aid of BNT Playground.
  • Newbridge Tidy Towns Committee are holding their Annual Christmas Cake Sale on Sunday 15th December after 11.30 mass and Penitential Service. The children from Windfield National School will be singing some Christmas Carols and Santa Claus will be dropping in to visit all the boys and girls. Everyone welcome. Tea Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
  • Mountbellew Moylough Camogie Club are hosting their Annual Card Game on Thursday 19th December at 8.30 in the Community Centre.
  • The Annual Turkey Trot will take place on St. Stephen’s Day, starting at 1:30 pm in Newbridge.  Sponsorship cards are in circulation in the parish through members of St. Brendan’s GAA, Ballygar Hurling Club, and St. Brendan’s LGFA. Draw for Hampers & spot prizes afterwards in the Shiven Inn. For those wishing to support via Hampers of Spot Prizes please phone 087 401 8263.  Proceeds this year are going to the 3 main clubs, St. Brendan’s GAA, Ballygar Hurling Club, and St. Brendan’s LGFA.
  • Ballaghlea NS Carol Service Wednesday 18th December in Newbridge Church at 7.30pm.  All welcome.
  • Newbridge Ladies Club would like to thank everyone involved in their Christmas Party night in Newbridge Hall last Thursday night. To all our exhibitors, to Marie for her talk and demonstration, to all that donated spot prizes and refreshments for the night, to all that supported the night and to all that helped out in any way.  2 charities will benefit from some of the proceeds of the night. Again thank you all and wishing you all a very Happy & Peaceful Christmas.
  • Dunmore Christmas Bingo – Dunmore Community Council bingo will take place this Sunday 15th December at 3pm in the Town Hall, Dunmore. Lots of prizes on the day including neighbours prizes and a €500 jackpot. Draw for Christmas hamper, etc., free double book, single book, lucky line sheet & jackpot sheet.  Complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at the interval. All are welcome.
  • Coláiste an Chreagáin – are hosting Santa Christmas Drive Thru returns to school, taking place on Tues 17th December from 5.30-7.30. This is a free event, but donations can be made on night to Parents Council.
  • Christmas Cakesale and Coffee MorningMountbellew Tidy towns are holding a cake sale and coffee morning following 10am mass on Sunday 15th December in the Pastoral Centre. Our Christmas raffle will be held on the morning.
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner Enda Collins, Newforest €547and to Bronagh & Muirne Kilcommins on winning 50/50 prepaid.  Next week’s draw will be in Thatch Ballygar.  Extra prize added every week for December.  Gift vouchers available from committee members & they make an ideal present for Christmas. An option for a Christmas present €100 for one year, €50 for 6 months, or less if people prefer.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Frank Quinn, Ballinlass who won €702 and Chloe, Saoirse & Claire Carr, Windfield who won the hamper in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto.Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in The Thatch, Saturday 14th December to include a Christmas Hamper


Ballygar Collection €805.00

Toghergar Collection €565.00

Newbridge Collection €690.07

Received with thanks