BNT Newsletter – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 25th January, 7.30pm – Breege Hannon 1st Anniversary. We also remember Tadhg McDonagh whose anniversary occurs at this time.

Sunday 26th January, 10.30am – Mary & Frank Finneran and deceased Burke & Finneran Families

Monday 27th January, 9.30am

Tuesday 28th January, 7.30pm

Friday 31th January, 7.30pm – Nancy Kelly Anniversary

Saturday 1st January, 7.30pm – Martin Coleman his brother Tom and please remember Catherine, Toms wife, in Clonberne Nursing home.

Sunday 2nd January, 10.30am – People of the Parish

St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors – Jan 25th & 26th Mattie Kinsley & Adrian Keegan

                                                                       Jan 1st Feb & 2nd Michael Kelly & John Carty


Sunday 26th January, 9.30am – Teresa & Paddy Hannon and deceased Hannon & Quinn Families

Sunday 2nd January, 9.30am


Sunday 26th January, 11.30am – Thomas and Mary Ann Fitzmaurice, Ballaghlea, and deceased members of the Fitzmaurice and Fallon families; Mary Lohan, Cloonkeen; John Joe and Ina Cunningham, Rushestown, Fairfield and London and Thomas and Celia Cunningham, Rushestown and Fairfield

Tuesday 28th January, 7pm – Tom Lynch, Kiltormer, Ballinasloe (brother of PJ Lynch, Toomard)

Wednesday 29th January – No Mass in Newbridge

Friday 31st January, 7 pm

Sunday 2nd February, 11.30am – The intentions of Derek and Christine O’Dwyer and family

Please remember in your prayers Wanda, beloved mother of Agnieszka and the extended Dzieciolowska & Misiak families, may she rest in peace.

Candles can be left at the altar of St. Mary’s Church for blessing on the 1st February.

  • The 5 First Saturdays of each month, Devotion for World Peace will commence on Saturday 7th December in St. Mary’s Church beginning at 6.50pm with Rosary and mediation, Vigil Mass 7.30pm, Holy Communion.  The next Saturday will be the 1st February, 2025.  Confession within 21days.
  • Men’s Wellness Sessions:   4x1hr weekly sessions 3-4pm on Thursdays starting 30th January 2025. Sessions include: Health & Fitness, Basic First Aid, Nutrition, Technology & Devices.  These sessions will take place in the Old School Building. The Square Ballygar. To find out more and book your place, please contact Bernie 085 2521 200.
  • PUBLIC MEETING, organized by the local community, will be held to discuss the proposed wind farm in the surrounding areas of Ballyforan, Ballygar, and Ahasaragh. This event will provide valuable information and give local residents an opportunity to voice any concerns regarding the development of windmills in the area.  Details: Date:  Monday 27th January 2025, Time: 20.00, Location: St. Aidan’s Clubhouse, Ballyforan. This meeting is open to all members of the community, especially those who may be affected by the proposed development. It will be an opportunity to better understand the project and discuss potential impacts. We encourage you to attend, ask questions, and share your thoughts.  We look forward to seeing you there!
  • Croi Heart & Stroke TalkThursday 30th January 7-8pm @ Courthouse, Ballygar. We welcome all to an evening with a Nurse Specialist from Croi for an informative  talk focused on Heart, Health & Stroke Prevention, understanding risk factors, knowing your numbers and practical tips on staying healthy. Light refreshments will be offered. There will be a €5 contribution. This event has been brought to you through collaboration with Ballygar Ladies club, BNT Social Services and Solas FRC (Ballygar Office).
  • The local branch of St Vincent de Paul is based in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew and serves the surrounding parishes including this parish. A sincere thank you to all who donated to our recent Christmas Appeal. Your contribution is deeply appreciated and helps local individuals and families who are finding life difficult at present.  Our local helpline number is 0851846866. All applications for help are dealt with in the strictest confidence.  Thank you again for supporting the work of St Vincent de Paul.
  • 1500th Anniversary of the Death of St Brigit – Moylough Heritage Society will host a talk in Moylough Community, Heritage and Resource Centre by Dr Elizabeth Dawson, lecturer in history Carlow College. Title: “St Brigit: forging an early medieval saint’’. This event takes place on Friday January 31st, 8:00 PM.  All are welcome. Refreshments served. Talk supported by Galway Co Council.
  • Moylough Heritage Society are honoured to welcome, Dr Elizabeth Dawson to Moylough hall on Fri 31st Jan @8pm.  Dr Dawson will give a talk on the life and legacy of St Bridgid, who’s 1500-year Anniversary is on Sat 1st Feb.  This is a free event and all are welcome. Doors open at 7.30pm. 
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner, Aisling and Orla Kelly, Raheny on winning €476 this week’s draw. Thank you for your continued support & to all the businesses for their continued support every week.  Best of luck to all the volunteers who have gone to Ethiopia doing their volunteering, safe travels to them all.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Enda Greene, Ballygar who won €670 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Fallons, Saturday 25th January.

Due to constraints regarding the space and size of the newsletter, please can all notices be no longer than 4 lines.  We appreciate your understanding on this issue.


Ballygar Collection €795.00

Toghergar Collection €375.00

Newbridge Collection €935.00

Received with thanks