1st Sunday in Advent

Saturday 2nd December, 7.30pm – Mikie Lohan, Ballygar

Sunday 3rd December, 10.30am – People of the Parish

Monday 4th December, 9.30am

Tuesday 5th December, 7.30pm – Davey Nolan

Thursday 7th December, 7.30pm Vigil Mass – Micheal Brennan, Mount Mary

Friday 8th December, 10.30am – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saturday 9th December, 7.30pm – Tommy Cuffe 1st Anniversay

Sunday 10th December, 10.30am


Sunday 3rd December, 9.30am – Peter & Bridge Mitchell

Friday 8th December, 9.30am – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday 10th December, 9.30am – Kathleen Heavey 1st Anniversary


Sunday 3rd December, 11.30 am – Celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the Opening of the ‘New Church.

Wednesday 6th December, 7pm

Friday 8th December, 7pm – Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday 10th December, 11.30am – Tom and Annie Clarke, Toomard, and their grandson, David Finnerty, Laurence, Johnny and Michael Cunningham, Windfield, and Michael Martyn, Cappatagle

Penitential Service (Confessions) in Newbridge Church immediately after Mass on Sunday 10th December.  A number of priests will be present.  As we prepare our homes for the festivities, let us not forget to ready our souls to receive and welcome the Infant Jesus into our hearts and homes this Christmas. Don’t miss this opportunity to acknowledge our failings, appreciate Jesus’ love and forgiveness and move forward with hope and peace in our lives.

Important Information – Geraldine Coyne and Leona Crehan are designated Parish Child Protection Representatives.  Any issues concerning safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults should be channelled to them or the Parish Priest Fr. Douglas Zaggi.

IMPORTANT PARISH NOTICE – we have received a number of cheques, these have been made out in our Parish Priest’s name.  It is important that all cheques are made payable to each of the Churches, ie St. Marys Church Ballygar, St. Brendans Church Toghergar and St. Patricks Church Newbridge.  If your cheque is directly for our priest’s, please use their names on the cheque.  We are very grateful for your contributions

  • Youth 2000 Christmas RetreatThis youth retreat will take place at Dominican College, Newbridge, Co. Kildare between 8th-10th December 2023. This promises to be a special retreat! Great CRAIC! Excellent Speakers, Inspiring Talks & Workshops, fantastic music, Group activities, Youth Masses, Adoration, Reconciliation, prayer, Drama, Games & plenty of time to chill out, meet new people and find out what it means to be young & Catholic today! Booking is now open at 
  • Lenten Youth Ambassador initiative – Zoom Information Meetings introducing the Diocese of Elphin & Trócaire’s Lenten Youth Ambassador initiative take place this Monday and Thursday evening.  For details see:  All welcome.
  • Saint Vincent De Paul Local Annual Appeal – Our local Conference is based at the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew, and we serve the surrounding parishes, including Ballygar/Newbridge/Toghergar. We wish to acknowledge the very generous support we have had from your Parish over the years. This year people’s needs are going to be greater than ever, considering the continued price increase in fuel, food and electricity alone.  We will not be having a Church gate collection this year, but instead we will have Postage Free Envelopes left in the Church porch where people can put their donations, and post them to our Office.  You may also leave the Envelopes in the Offertory collection basket.  To facilitate people who wish to donate Online we have a Poster in the Church porch also, giving details of our designated Fundraise Web Address.   All donations given locally will be used locally.  Our Local Helpline Number is 085-1846866.
  • Killyan Graveyard will avail of the funds raised by the 50/50 Draw in December.  Please do your best to support this very worthy cause and help to keep Killyan Graveyard looking its best throughout the year in honour of all our deceased.  Weekly or annual tickets available from any Killyan Graveyard Committee Members or Chris Murphy 087 6357128 or Carmel

Gavin 086 8399651.

  • Ballygar Festive Lights – church gate collection will take place on December 9th and 10th.  Join us around the Christmas tree after Saturday night mass (weather permitting) for carols and some festive treats.
  • This year’s Christmas Fair takes place in the Courthouse on Saturday 9th December 8pm to 9.30pm and Sunday morning 11am to 12.30pm.  There will be a number of stalls displaying and selling seasonal items including cakes, arts, crafts and Christmas wreaths.  Come along on the day and get into the festive spirit by supporting local people/businesses.
  • St. Brendan’s Cake Sale Fundraiser – will be held in Ballygar (The old Courthouse) after 7.30pm Mass on the 2nd December and after 10.30am Mass on the 3rd December.
  • Active Retirement Meeting– The monthly meeting of Mountbellew and District Active Retirement will be held in the Pastoral Centre Mountbellew on Monday 4th December, 2023 at 8pm.
  • Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations Ann Loggins C/O Tommy Conway on winning €474.  Next week’s draw will be in the Thatch. Thanks to everyone for their continued support every week, 6 months and yearly envelopes available from committee members.
  • Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to Esme Egan, c/o Mary Nee, Lawrencetown who won €563 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns Lotto. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw Saturday 2nd December in Hughes. For the next 4 weeks we will have an extra draw for a hamper

Bank Details – anyone wishing to Contribute by Direct Debit please use the following:

Ballygar Church – IBAN: IE02 BOFI 90370130537474

Newbridge Church – IBAN: IE87 BOFI 90370155385307

Toghergar Church: IBAN: IE41 BOFI 90370192573219

Priests Collection – IBAN: IE10 BOFI 90370172690426

Ballygar Offertory Collection €810.00

Toghergar Offertory Collection €400.00

Newbridge Offertory Collection €1,358.00

Received with thanks