Ballygar Banter
A wonderful piece written by James Fogarty, Roscommon Hearld, captures our much loved Mum and Friend so beautifully.

Murrays Amusements ,The Bumpers, The Rifle Range, The Ticket Stall, The Rings Stall, Roulette Table, The Swinging Boats, The Slot Machines. The front of the National School fenced off. Tickets for the dance sold from the ticket box at the entrance. The blue caravan parked to the left side inside the wire was the “Office” where the finances were sorted. Inside the national school, (which was still in use), the Ladies Committee served up ham sandwiches, cake and tea while also looking after all things cloakroom! On the right, the six pole marquee, the bands played to huge crowds who danced the night away. Inside there was a mineral bar. No alcohol was served in those times. Top bands from around the country played the Ballygar Carnival. People travelled from near and far, with cars parked in every available space up and down the length of the streets. Jim Kelly (RIP) and his team would be set up in the old hotel (The Coffee Drop) cooking and selling the most delicious chips, burgers and sausages across a makeshift counter to the punters who lined up on the saw dusted floor. As a child it was heaven to have them on the way home. The Carnival started on a Thursday and ran until the Sunday week. So many family, friends and neighbours who were living away, Dublin, UK, & USA made it their business to be in Ballygar for that forth night. The town economy flourished with plenty of business in the shops and pubs. Monday night was a dedicated parents night, which was a very grand occasion, lots of style, lots of dancing to The Maurice Mulcahy Orchestra. Magical childhood days. Great excitement when the first of the Murray trucks would pull into Ballygar ahead of the Carnival and much sadness when the last one left after a wonderful time had been had by all. That’s when the clock was reset to start the countdown to the next one. Matt Nolan’s and Josie Hannon’s (RIP) Photographic history of Carnivals past are always a joy to look at, remember, recall and smile.BB

Pandemic, lockdown, restriction, A short journey, Standing on the cusp, camera in hand, Hearing the soft whispers in the wind, Seeing the colours, life, waterscape, landscape, Touching, heaven, calmness & peace, Breathing, fresh, crisp, untainted air, Tasting sweet, spiritual freedom, Savouring , intoxicating, aroma of mother nature, My soul is consumed, enveloped beauty, I sit, I contemplate, how lucky am I, This is the West of Ireland. (Words & Pics: “Egrets In Muckinagh” Peter Daly)

LIVE ENCOUNTERS IS A WORLD WIDE PUBLICATION, EDITED BY Mr Mark Ulyseas. I was delighted and privileged to be included as one of the contributors for the month of March. My idea was to give a little flavour of the beautiful environs that we live in, The West of Ireland. A real escape from the darkness of the current pandemic. See the PHOTOGRAPHS & PIECE by tapping Link https://liveencounters.net/…/live-encounters-magazine…/ LIVE ENCOUNTERS MAGAZINE MARCH 2021 IS OUT!

LIVE ONLINE https://churchtv.ie/ballygar.html & LIVE ON RADIO 106.5FM FROM Saturday 6th March at 7.30pm Sunday 7th March at 10.30am. Every Saturday & Sunday until further notice.

Thursday, March 12th. 6.00pm
Next batch of Vaccines were delivered today, Thursday, March 12th.
All patients (80-84yrs) will be contacted this evening and Friday morning with their appointed times for Saturday.
Vaccinations will take place between 10am-2.00pm, Saturday, March 14th.
The Health Centre Team.

16.50, Tuesday, February 23rd. No one injured, thank God.All records backed up in cloud.Front of building badly damaged and the building at the rear has suffered smoke damage.The building is now secured.Huge appreciation to the Emergency Services and the HSE, for their speed of action and professionalism.Thank you to everyone for all the text messages, phone calls etc with incredible offers of help. It is so much appreciated by all of us.We will be set up in the old Nursing Home shortly, thanks to the Naughton family.