aturday 18th January, 7.30pm – Johnny Delaney
Sunday 19th January, 10.30am – Anna Hughes and deceased family members
Monday 20th January, 9.30am
Tuesday 21st January, 7.30pm – The sick of the Parish
Friday 24th January, 7.30pm – Nonnie, Tommy and Winnie Kenny
Friday 24th January, 8pm – William Burke Months Mind
Saturday 25th January, 7.30pm – Breege Hannon 1st Anniversary
Sunday 26th January, 10.30am – Mary & Frank Finneran and deceased Burke & Finneran Families
St. Mary’s Church Stewards/Collectors – Jan 18th & 19th Brian Finneran & Mike Lohan
Jany 25th & 26th Mattie Kinsley & Adrian Keegan
Sunday 19th January, 9.30am
Sunday 26th January, 9.30am – Teresa & Paddy Hannon and deceased Hannon & Quinn Families
Friday, 17th January, 7pm – Maggie McDermott and Mary Morley, Lissavruggy
Sunday 19th January, 11.30am – Eoghan Farrell, Dublin; Barbara Gay Doerhing, USA
Wednesday 22nd January, 7pm
Friday 24th January, 7pm
Sunday 26th January, 11.30am – Thomas and Mary Ann Fitzmaurice, Ballaghlea, and deceased members of the Fitzmaurice and Fallon families; Mary Lohan, Cloonkeen;
John Joe and Ina Cunningham, Rushestown, Fairfield and London and Thomas and Celia Cunningham, Rushestown and Fairfield
Fr. Douglas will be on annual leave for the month of January, 2025. The Parochial house can be contacted on a Monday or Thursday mornings only on 090-6624637.
If you would like to book any masses for the coming months for St. Mary’s Ballygar or St. Brendans Toghergar Churches, the Parochial house can be contacted on a Monday or Thursday mornings only on 090-6624637. Thank you.
Please pray for Very Rev. Donal Gerard Morris P.P. of Kilbegnet and Glinsk, Kiltultogue/Ballinaheglish, Roscommon and Pat Feeney (Paddy) brother of Martin Feeney, Cloonascarberry, Ballygar and Dublin,who went home to God during the week. May they rest in peace.
- The 5 First Saturdays of each month, Devotion for World Peace will commence on Saturday 7th December in St. Mary’s Church beginning at 6.45pm with Rosary and mediation, Vigil Mass 7.30pm, Holy Communion. The next Saturday will be the 1st February, 2025. Confession within 21days.
- Catholic Schools Week 2025 – Sunday, 19th January marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. During the week, we aim to celebrate the unique contribution that Catholic schools make to their communities. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Alive in Christ. We give thanks for all involved in our Catholic schools throughout the diocese.
- Building for Children volunteers travel to Sebeta Blind school, Ethiopia on Thursday 16th and Sunday 19th of January, and return on Tuesday 28th, we would like to thank everyone in this fantastic parish, the support we have received has been amazing, with the funds raised this year, work has already started by drilling a new well in the grounds of the school compound, which is a massive project in itself. The group will renovate to the same standard two more dormitories, home to 80 children, with new toilets, showers, sinks, new doors, tiled floors, painted, safe electrics, new mattresses, bed linen, and we will rewire the kitchen. and we will also provide new shower black and wash facilities for children who have left the school but have no hygiene facilities. We are bringing clothes in our luggage for the children. All this will have a massive positive impact on the lives of the blind children living in the school. And all this is possible thanks to the generosity of the people of the parish. So Thanks so much again.
- BNT Youth Club – are your teens looking for somewhere to unwind after the school week? Why not come down to the Youth Club on a Friday evening. You will find pool and table tennis tables, darts, boards games and a great space to relax and enjoy some safe and quality fun with their friends The club runs every Friday night in the Old Town Hall, Ballygar. The first group starts at 7pm to 8.30 for 1st to 2nd years. From 3rd onwards starts at 8.45pm to 10.30pm.
- Men’s Wellness Sessions: 4x1hr weekly sessions 3-4pm on Thursdays starting 30th January 2025. Sessions include: Health & Fitness, Basic First Aid, Nutrition, Technology & Devices. These sessions will take place in the Old School Building. The Square Ballygar. To find out more and book your place, please contact Bernie 085 2521 200.
- Foot Clinic in Ballygar Pharmacy is 23rd January call Deirdre to make an appointment.
- Yoga class upstairs in Shiven Rovers 8-9 on Thursday nights.
- Killyan Graveyard Committee – Would like to thank everyone who supported NAC 50 /50 for month December. Thanks to all people who did a yearly 50/50 for Graveyard we were delighted with the response. If you would still like to do yearly or 1/2 yearly ticket, we would be delighted just contact any NAC committee member or through our face book page NEWBRIDGE AC.
- 1500th Anniversary of the Death of St Brigit – Moylough Heritage Society will host a talk in Moylough Community, Heritage and Resource Centre by Dr Elizabeth Dawson, lecturer in history Carlow College. Title: “St Brigit: forging an early medieval saint’’. This event takes place on Friday January 31st, 8:00 PM. All are welcome. Refreshments served. Talk supported by Galway Co Council.
- Moylough Heritage Society are honoured to welcome, Dr Elizabeth Dawson to Moylough hall on Fri 31st Jan @8pm. Dr Dawson will give a talk on the life and legacy of St Bridgid, who’s 1500-year Anniversary is on Sat 1st Feb. This is a free event and all are welcome. Doors open at 7.30pm.
- Newbridge Action Committee 50/50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 on winner Mathew Hughes, Ballinamore Bridge on winning €479. We at NAC really appreciate all of your support every week.
- Ballygar Tidy Towns & St. Brendan’s Ladies 50/50 – Congratulations to this week’s winner Rosaleen Carr, Newbridge who won €625 in this week’s St Brendan’s Ladies Football Club & Ballygar Tidy Towns lotto. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Martins, Saturday 18th January.
Ballygar Collection €990.00
Toghergar Collection €495.00
Newbridge Collection €935.00
Received with thanks