BNT Newsletter – 1st Sunday in Lent

Parochial House telephone number is 090-6624637,


1st Sunday in Lent


Saturday 8th March, 7.30pm – Bernie Nolan, Hermitage 1st Anniversary

Sunday 9th March, 10.30pm – First Sunday of Lent

Monday 10th March, 9.30am

Tuesday 11th March, 7.30pm – George Chamberlain Months Mind

Thursday 13th March, 9.30am

Friday 14th March, 7.30pm – Bea and Jack Galvin and deceased family members

Saturday 15th March, 7.30pm – Ita Keane 1st Anniversary

Sunday 16th March, 10.30am – Tom Coleman Anniversary and also remember his wife Catherine in Clonberne Nursing Home


Sunday 9th March, 9.30am – Andy & Pake Farrell, Lisquell East

Saturday 15th March, 12pm – John Hearty late of Curranbane, Ballinamore Bridge Funeral Mass

Sunday 16th March, 9.30am – Brid & Peter Mitchell, Ballybane

Sunday 16th March – Baptism


Sunday 9th March, 11.30am – Pakie and Julie Kenny, and Larry and Bridget Kenny, Rushestown, John & Christina Hynes

Wednesday 12th March, 7pm

Friday 14th March, 7pm – Mel and Mary Gavin, Boherbannagh

Sunday 16th March, 11.30am – Maureen Lohan Nash, Lisquell and Loughrea

Monday 17th March, 11.30am – St. Patrick’s Day

Please remember in your prayers Michael Kelly, Ballygar and who went home to God.  John Hearty, late of Currabane, Ballinamore Bridge who passed away in Doncaster, U.K. Please also remember Mary (Mae) Collins, Curraghduff, Newbridge.  May they rest in peace.

Fr. Douglas will visit the sick and housebound on Friday the 14th March.  If you or any family member would like a visit please contact Parochial House on 090-6624637.

Trocaire Lenten boxes are available for collection from all the Church porches.

Confirmation will be held in St. Mary’s Church, Ballygar on Wednesday the 19th March at 11am.

  • – 8 August 2025 with Bishop Kevin Doran. The pilgrimage is open to 18 – 35year olds. The cost is €995 per person sharing and this includes flights, coach transfers, accommodation, Youth Jubilee with Pope Francis in Rome, 3 days on the St Columbanus Camino in northern Italy and day trip to Milan. All the details and how to book are available at and  This is an inter-diocesan pilgrimage for young adults living in the dioceses of Achonry and Elphin; Galway and Clonfert.
  • – Marriage Enrichment Weekend – Catholic Marriage Encounter in Ireland welcome you to their next Marriage Enrichment Weekend from Friday 28th – 30th March at Knock, Co. Mayo. The Catholic Marriage Enrichment Programme offers a weekend experience that helps couples enhance their communication and deepen their love for each other and provides a broader and deeper understanding of the sacrament of marriage. For further details, see
  • – Schoolchildren around Ireland helped Trócaire launch its box appeal this week. This year’s Trócaire Box tells the story of a family in Guatemala who are struggling to cope with the effects of climate change. The iconic Trócaire Box – which has been synonymous with Lent in Ireland for over 50 years – will be distributed to hundreds of thousands of homes, schools and churches this week.
  • – Moylough Heritage Society will host a talk in Moylough Hall by Dr Elizabeth Dawson, lecturer in history Carlow College. Title: “St Brigit: forging an early medieval saint’’. This event takes place on Saturday, March 8th at 8pm.  All are welcome. Refreshments served. Talk supported by Galway Co Council.
  • Wednesday 12th March in Athleague Community Centre @7pm, also in Newbridge Hall @8:30pm. Suitable for beginners, everyone welcome. Text Bonnie for more details 087-223-8237.
  • will hold a scrap metal collection on the 8th & 9th of March 2025.   All unwanted scrap metal material can be brought into Mountbellew Mart yard on these dates.  All enquiries to Mart Office at 090 9679660.
  • held in the Old Building, The Square, Ballygar. Tuesday mornings from 11am – 1pm – come along and get to know other parents in your community while the children get to play and explore in a safe environment. Contact Danielle on 087 1377 908 for more information.
  • do you have a chair that needs mending or small furniture furniture items that need repairs? We at the Mens Shed can carry out small repair work. The Shed operates out of the Town Hall, High Street, Ballygar and is open Wednesdays 2.00-4.00pm.  For more information contact 086 312 4257.
  • Do you need to ease yourself back into work and develop new skills? If so, why not consider employment on our CE Scheme? You must be in receipt of a qualifying Social Welfare payment for at least 12 months to be considered for a position. For more information, please contact Melissa on 090 66 24034.
  • Dunmore Community Council Bingo will take place this Sunday, March 9th in the Town Hall, Dunmore at 3pm.  Lots of Prizes on the day including a €500 jackpot.  Draw for a free double book, single book, lucky line sheet and jackpot sheet.  Complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at the interval all are welcome.
  • 50 draw –Congratulations to this week’s 50/50 winner, Susan Gilmore, Ballincor on winning €605 in this week’s draw.  The 50/50 for the month of March is for NAC. We really appreciate all your support.
  • – Congratulations to this week’s winners to Annie & Elsie, Wexford & High St who won €653 in this week’s draw. Thanks to all who are supporting the draw and all the businesses who are selling the tickets. Next week’s draw in Hughes, Saturday 8th March.

Due to constraints regarding the space and size of the newsletter, please can all notices be no longer than 4 lines.  We appreciate your understanding on this issue.


Ballygar Collection €785. Diocesan Needs €305.00

Toghergar Collection €265.00, Diocesan Needs €170.00

Newbridge Collection €1,073.60, Diocesan Needs €345.00

Received with thanks